“Become disciple, transform the world” that is HDS project !

[HDS 1] First semestre together

October to December
All HDS participants live the 5 pillars together in Hautecombe
(former “Cycle A”)

[HDS 2] Second semestre “you choose”

January to June
To anchor their lives in the long term, following Christ, participants continue to live these 5 pillars, but in a “you choose” format that each person discerns, with the HDS team, from among 7 proposals detailed below.

All HDS 2 (if possible) will be meeting at Hautecombe in February, March and June for training week-ends or weeks (“Christian Leadership”, “Christian in the World”, etc.) and to continue living the fraternity.

7 proposals for the second semester :

Proposal 1
Formation and discernment
Abbaye d’Hautecombe, Centre Tibériade

Following on from HDS 1, experience a 2nd semester of training at Hautecombe Abbey (or at the Centre Tibériade) for:

  • Continue to enjoy the spiritual and fraternal setting of an abbey
  • Deepen your relationship with the Lord
  • Continue your intellectual and spiritual formation
  • Discern your call

Proposal 2
Prepare the Welcome To Paradise festival
> Organize one of the biggest christian festival in Europe.
House Paradise, Lyon

Preparing for the Festival means putting your talents at the service of an international evangelistic event: graphic design, video, event organization, secretarial work, music, podcasts, network communication, partnerships and many other areas. It also means discovering the grace of working in a spirit of brotherhood and prayer in the service of the world.

Proposal 3
Artistic Missionary Year (AMA in French)
> Serve the Lord with your creativity
Paris – Lyon

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth… and He saw that it was good.” We believe that this Creator God gives us artistic talents to re-enchant our world. That’s why we dare to embark on this adventure, halfway between daily missionary work with young people and writing a show for the Welcome to Paradise Festival.
AMA is: having Jesus as our foundation, fraternity as our ambition, mission as our passion, and creativity as our evidence.

Proposal 4
Young disciple abroad – Jeunes à l’étranger (JET)
>Experience an intercultural and missionary adventure abroad: a time for you, for others, for God.

The JET mission sends young people aged 18 to 30, single or married, to countries where the Chemin Neuf Community is present: Israel, Lebanon, Philippines, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, Burundi, Madagascar, Brazil… The JET mission has 3 dimensions:

  • Social mission: medical, social and agricultural missions, educational projects, literacy programs, construction or restoration projects (schools, orphanages, dispensaries), pastoral animation, management…
  • Spiritual life: sharing in the prayer life of the Chemin Neuf Community, to draw strength for mission.
  • Community and fraternal life in the continuity of HDS 1

Proposal 5
Media School
> Passionate about communications and evangelism, put your talents to work for the Neuf Media mission!
Villeneuve d’Ascq, France

Join the Neuf Media team for an immersion in the Chemin Neuf Community’s media house. On the program: filming, editing, getting to grips with a video studio, producing print and digital communication media. Experience and share the diary of a communication agency and an international media evangelism network.

Proposal 6
Integral ecology
> Choosing to transform the world in the image
of God the Creator with his creature

Listening to the voice of God, the poor and the earth. At HDS, the aim is to encourage those around us to make the choice of evangelical and ecological radicalism by caring for the world and our neighbors. There are many projects to choose from, depending on motivation:

  • Creating a vegetable garden/responsible for a vegetable garden/green space
  • Giving back an “earthy” dimension
  • Putting a place into ecological transition
  • Creation of an eco-place

Proposal 7
Professionnel project
> Christian in the workplace, going on mission with Christ in my daily life

Fortified by HDS 1, go back out into the world (professional, student, associative…) to live as a disciple, and keep a fraternal and spiritual link with the “HDS 1 promo”.

  • Living the “5 HDS pillars” every day.
  • Return to Hautecombe to draw strength for mission
  • Training in Christian leadership and the Church’s social doctrine

It’s also possible to take part in a professional activity, in the service of a Chemin Neuf Community house: organizing stewardship, tending a vegetable garden, preparing for sessions, taking responsibility for the grounds, cooking, repairing, organizing…

“After HDS1, I went back to work in my small business in Paris. I made this decision during the silent retreat. The fact that I made this decision while being firmly and serenely in the arms of Jesus, gives me the courage to hang on when I doubt my decision, my work rhythm or when relationships between colleagues are more difficult. Learning to be faithful to Jesus during HDS has also taught me to have the patience to let relationships become beautiful and solid, rather than leaving to look for something better at every difficulty. I also feel that prayer enables me to live my work in a rather detached way: to commit myself to what I do without my identity depending on work, the center of my life being much more my relationship with God and with others. Talking to Jesus about my colleagues calms my relationships a lot, makes them more benevolent, and helps me to look at them as he would look at them.”

Testimonial videos coming soon on our Instagram account!

HDS participants give their testimonies, follow-us to see the videos!
